
27 Ağustos 2024 Salı


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Ağustos ayı benim için daima sevdiğim bir ay olarak hayatımda yer almıştır. Ama şu sıra aklıma Virginia Woolf'un günlüklerinde bir alıntı ile aklımda; ve Ağustos harcandı... Neyse o başka bir blog yazısının konusu. Bu ay da ama izlemek istediğim listemde olan dizileri izledim. Bu diziler arasında Şahmaran dizisi de vardı. Şahmaran; Çukurova'nın efsanesidir. Yılanların padişahı Şahmaran, insanoğlunun ihanetine uğramıştır. İnsan; Şahmaran'ın cennetine ayak bastığında Şahmaran anlamıştır; ölüm gelecektir. Diyarın padişahının güzeller güzeli kızı hastadır, çaresi ise Şahmaran'da saklıdır. Padişahın veziri ise kötüdür ve padişahın kızı ile evlenmek istemektedir. Onun iyileşmesi için her şeyi yapmaya hazırdır. Şahmaran'a ulaşmak için her yolu denemeye hazırdır. Rivayete göre Şahmaran'ı görenlerin vücudu pul puldur. Halkın vücudu hamam da tek tek kontrol edilir. Şahmaran'ı ziyaret eden insan ise her şeyden habersiz hamama geldiğinde yakalanır ve zorla Şahmaran'ın diyarının yeri söyletilir. Böylelikle ihanet gerçekleşmiştir. Şahmaran öldürüleceğini anladığında beni parçalayacaklar; vücudumun zehirli tarafını vezirin içmesini sağla; şifayı ise padişahın kızı bulacaktır der insana... Vezir, gençleşme umudu ile insanın dediğini yapar ve anında ölür... Derler ki yılanlar, padişahlarının öldüğünü bilmemektedir hala onu beklemektedirler kimisi ise kıyamet zamanı Şahmaran'ın öldüğünü anlayacaklar ve insanlara saldıracaklar. 

Bu kısa bir Şahmaran efsanesiydi sizlere aktardığım...Şahmaran bu topraklarda bilinir ve gerçekten özel bir efsanedir. Şahmaran dizisine gelecek olursam eğer, anlayamadığım noktalar olduğunu belirtmeliyim. Dünyaya Anadolu efsanelerinin tanıtılması ve modernizm ile klasik anlayışın harmanlanması aslında çok güzel. Dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde Türkçe bilmeyen birisine dahi Netflix platformu ile izleme imkanının verilmesi harika. Ancak daha fazla unsura dikkat edilmeli miydi? Bir izleyici olarak beklerdim. Özellikle görsel efektler beni inanılmaz şaşırttı; Prens dizisindeki o kaliteyi, teknolojinin kullanımı neden diğer dizilerde olmasın ki. 

"Dizi ilk sezon; Annesini kaybeden Şahsu'nun(Serenay Sarıkaya) Adana'ya gelmesi ile başlar. Şahsu Adana'ya gelerek büyükbabası ile yüzleşmek ister. Ancak büyükbabasının yaşadığı yer yarı insan yarı yılan olan insan topluluğunun liderinin de evinin tam yanındadır. Bu topluluk Mar adına sahiptir. Şahsu bu topluluğun içerisinde kendini bulurken doğumunda işaretlenmiş olarak adlandırılan bir kehanetin de parçası olan Maran ile karşılaşır ve ona aşık olur. Kehanete göre fedakarlık sırası insandadır. Dizi aşk, ihanet ve kehanet ekseninde ilk sezonun sürpriz bir şekilde bitmesinden sonra ikinci sezonda birçok karakterin öldüğünü görüyoruz. Özellikle Maran'ın ailesinin... İkinci sezonda bir diğer önemli karakter Lilith ortaya çıkmıştır. Lilith ve Şahmaran'ın döngüsü yeniden mi başlayacaktır?"

Bir zamanlar Çukurova dizisinde; Koskoca Çukurova'da üç çekim yeri vardı. Tarsus tarihi evlerin bulunduğu o sokak çarşı olarak adlandırılırdı; Demir'in çiftliği için daha önce Beyaz Gelincik dizisinde de kullanılan konak ve eski fabrika... Bu dizi de aynı yerler kullanılmış. Adana'nın gelişmemiş ve çok küçük bir şehirmiş gibi gösterilmesi aslında biraz anlamsız geliyor. Adana, Türkiye'nin en büyük üçüncü şehriydi şu an sıralama biraz gerilere de kaysa bu topraklar suyun ve güneşin şehri. Aradığınız her şeyi bulabilirsiniz ve ne yazık ki gerekli şekilde tanıtamıyoruz. Şahmaran 2.sezonda Hürriyet mahallesini andıran yılanların mahallesi olarak adlandırılan yer, bir ara Atatürk Caddesi'ne çıkılıp yılanların otobüs durdurup insanları dövmesi biraz anlamsız geldi. Bu kadar orijinal bir hikayede de spoiler olmaması adına daha söyleyebilirim ki fedakarlık sırası insana gelmiştir. Ama bir döngü takıntısı gerçekten anlayamadım. Dizideki başrol oyuncuların gerçekten çok fazla bir fan kitlesi var. Ancak hikayenin koptuğu noktalar, karakterlerin hikayesini gerçek anlamıyla göremeden birden daha başka bir yöne dönülmesi sanki bir karmaşa vardı. Lilith karakterinden beklentim büyüktü ama o da kaderine yeniden razı oldu. Onca mücadele neden oldu zaman? Maran'ın ailesinde orjinal çok iyi karakterler vardı. Hikayelerine değinilmedi ne yazık ki. Mar Mahallesi; daha fazla karakteri tanısak fena olmazdı aslında. Bir pazar sokağı ve tamirci atölyesi gibi alan çekim yerine yeterli demişler anladığım kadarıyla.

Tavsiye konusu ise;  kişisel olarak bir puan verecek olsam 10 üzerinden 5 puan ancak verebilirim. Twilight serisinin önce kitaplarını sonra ise filmlerini izlemiş birisi olarak sanki bu dizi de biraz Twilight ambiyansının oluşturulmaya çalışıldığını düşündüm izlerken. 

Sizler izlediniz mi? Yorumlarınızı bekliyorum...

26 Ağustos 2024 Pazartesi


Every sentence starts after a point. Are you ready for a new paragraph? Although there are many questions in our minds at the time of graduation, I think the prom ball is one of the most unforgettable moments of their lives for many young people. The most important detail that makes this moment special is the prom dresses.  Finding the right dress is exciting, but you don't need to experience that stress unnecessarily. offers a great collection to help you in your search for a prom dress., the address of quality and stylish designs, offers elegant and modern designs., where you can find prom dresses for every style and budget, attracts attention with its fine and stylish details. 

In this process, where technology support us, it is difficult to decide among thousands of prom dresses however, an important detail to consider when choosing prom dress is to choose models taht suit your body type. In addition, the color and style of the dress should reflect your personal style. 

Satin dresses aside from the nobility,elegant and timeless of the color of black; lace detailed dresses and cut dresses you can find on the site of Satin dresses, which provide a bright and stylish look, create a modern and assertive style. 

Is not a satin dress with royal blue very elegant in your opinion? You must choose the right accessories to complete your royal blue satin prom dress. Details such as a proper shoe and tight-knit horse tail hairstyle will make you the star of the night by completing your look. 

I saved my favorite for you last. I love the romantic colors and details of lace, stump. With this purple-colored prom dress, you can feel like a elegant and fairy tale hero. Having a cut will provide a flawless look by showing your waist thin. 

I hope this article will help you in your choice of prom dress. I'm sure you'll great in your prom...

25 Ağustos 2024 Pazar


When it comes to summer; wedding season, events  and invitations come to mind, right? What do we wear in wedding invitations create a mess in our minds, but what about the wedding dress? Have you made the decision about that dream design in your dream?
In this article, I will share with you the tips for finding the wedding dress of your dreams. I have chosen wedding dresses designs that I think will give you an idea from the online shopping platform of Ovlias. The wedding day is one of the most important and special moments in our lives. When we dream of this special day, we try to choose the most beautiful wedding dress for a gorgeous look. Choosing a wedding dress can be both exciting and quite stressful. In this process, we first take a deep breath and examine the wonderful options offered from the site ovlias. 

First of all, before starting the choice of wedding dresses, you should consider the theme of the wedding and the place where the wedding will be held. Because technology has evolved so much nowadays, catalogs have replaced the long-lasting decision-making process with more specific themes. Do you want to have a wedding in a country wedding or a stylish hotel or a special place that means you? The venue detail will greatly influence your choice of wedding dress. 

The models, which are distinguished by their elegant and modern designs, lace details and fine workmanship, are preferred by many bride candidates.  In Ovlias' wedding dresses collection, you can find the designs you want to fit your budget. However, you should choose the most suitable wedding dress for your body type. Not every wedding dress is suitable for every body type.

You can choose princess style  or simpler style. The veil detail is also very important in these designs. You are the star of your wedding and if you want to shine more, you can use details such as this crown on your veil.

Or you can wear a romantic hair accessory without using a veil  in a more modern and simple wedding dress.

You may want a swan-like appearance in your wedding dress, where you can reflect the white color in the most beautiful way. Instead of the veil detail, you can remove the tails that go down from the waist later in the wedding and feel like you are wearing two different wedding dresses.

I hope this article will help you in choosing your wedding dress. You are the star and I am sure you will look amazing on your wedding day.

23 Ağustos 2024 Cuma


Nowadays, men's fashion comes to the forefront as women's fashion. The modern man of our time knows the importance of having a quality suit that reflects his style and prestige. Whether in a serious business meeting or special invitations, the right suit always allows you to express yourself in the best way. 
With its fashion and understanding of quality and elegance, stands out with its men's fashion. is an online shopping platform that attracts attention with its wide range of products that offer elegance and comfort in men's fashion. offers options that appeal to every man's taste with different styles, colors and cuttings.

In men's fashion, choosing the right suit is important so that each man can reveal his unique style. Finding a model that suits your body type are the points where the quality of the fabric should be taken care of. In addition, men's suit should be selected in accordance with different environments. offers the elegance and comfort you are looking for with the men's suits designed with these factors in mind. Technology is highly developed nowadays.

 Now you can make a difference with your perfect suit that you prefer from to remember every moment you shine in the photos, stylish look and environment you join. You will stand out with your style and admire yourself in every frame.

One of the most important factors that determine the quality of your suit is the fabric used. offers both stylish and durable suits using top quality fabrics. These dresses make you look as stylish as the first day for many years. 

Whether you choosing the most suitable suit for your wedding or looking for a suit for an stylish and fancy dinner; for those looking for elegance and quality in men's fashion, is an address you should check out. And also you can create a nice style for yourself with hig-quality men's suits models suitable for every style.

22 Ağustos 2024 Perşembe


I remember my own prom ball today. I think I am angry with myself for not choosing the right dress, even though it has been a long time. At my high school graduation, I couldn't find a dress and finally had to sew my dress. The tailor did not sew the dress I wanted. However, the prom ball has an unforgettable place in our lives. If we have photos on our technology; smartphones, our photos taken by photographers on that day are in our albums. When we look at the albums, it is in our memory again that day.  We should not forget this, and the special day is a moment when elegance, elegance and style are at the forefront. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right dress for the prom. 

At this point, I share Risias with you. Risias stands out as a brand that offers the perfect options you are looking for for your prom day.Risias offers quite a lot of options for every young girl to find her dream graduation dress.  You can find a dress suitable for any style with different cuts, colors and styles...

But there are a few important factors to consider when choosing your prom dress , these include choosing a model that suits your body type, adapting with the ball theme and keeping your comfort in the foreground. 

Since the prom dress collection offered by Risias is designed with these factors in mind, it will be much easier for you to make the right choice. You can examine the designs I have selected for you in detail. Since it is quite difficult to decide that day, my choices will hopefully help you.

If you want all the eyes to be on you in your prom day, you will reflect your stylish style while creating both an assertive look and the chic dress I have chosen for you.

Another prom day dress has the most beautiful shade of that delicate and special color of blue. You will feel like a fairy girl with this prom day dress.

Do you want to look like a movie star? I should mention that the noble ambiance of black and that I love the lace arm detail of the dress. You do not need a lot of accessories with this dress. With your hair and this dress design, you are willing to be a star.

Spring is the season, summer is the season that gives us happiness when we think about it, right? Details such as nature's splendid color, the dominance of green color... Do you want to examine the last dress I chose for you with these details? With its modern design it is both different and timeless...
Be unforgettable with your elegance and elegance on this special night..


17 Ağustos 2024 Cumartesi


 Ağustos ayı bir anda geldi sanki. Temmuz bana bir asır gibi gelmişti oysa. Yeni bir yaş alan Aslan burcu olarak hala daha güzelliklerin bana doğru gelmesini diliyorum. En azından bu senenin yorucu olmaması güzel olurdu.  İnsan yeni bir paragrafa başlarken hangi harfin hangi kelimeyi getireceğini bilse de yeni yaşımın bana sakinlik getirdiğini düşünüyorum. Eskiden daha çok endişelenirdim. Ya olmazsa, ya günü gününe yetiştiremezsem diye ; şimdi olmuyorsa vardır sebebi diyorum. Aslında aklımda bir Kemalettin Tuğcu romanından karakterin cümlesi geliyor. "Hayat kafama vura vura öğretti..." Hayat gerçekten de öğretiyor bazı şeyleri. Sizlere memnun kaldığım ve fiyatına göre oldukça başarılı bulduğum parfümden bahsedecektim oysa yazılarım daima kendi başlangıç kararını veriyor.

Geçenlerde alışverişe çıkmıştım. Elbise fiyatlarını görünce hayret edip hiçbir şey satın almadan çıkacağım zaman LCW Rosy Days parfümü gördüm. İndirimli fiyatı 200 liraydı. Uygun fiyatlı olduğunu düşündüğüm parfümlerin bile son zamanlardaki fiyatını görünce beklentimi minimum tutarak satın aldım. İnternet fiyatı sanırım eve gelince bakmıştım 300 liraydı. Rosy Days parfüm; top notası zencefil, armut ve mandalina. Orta notasında ise beyaz gül bulunmakta. Söyleyebilirim ki gül kokusuna sahip parfümler ya çok baskın oluyor ya da kalıcılığı çok zayıf ... Bu parfüm de ise armut kokusunun baskınlığını daha çok hissediyorsunuz. Gül ile uyumunu ise sevdim. Zencefil ve mandalina ise bir yaz esintisi gibi biraz geriden geliyor. Temelden ise hafif bir yasemin kokusu gelmekte. Kokular ile ilgilenen bir arkadaşım söylemişti; yasemin kokusu seyretilmiş şekilde birçok kokuyu oluşturmakta kullanıldığını...

Yormayan ve seveceğinizi düşündüğüm, tavsiye edebileceğim bir parfüm. Sarı Sıcak bir şehirde yaşayan birisi olarak günlük kullanıma uygun olduğunu düşünüyorum. Kalıcılık için sabahtan akşama kadar kokusunu üzerimde hissettim diyemem ne yazık ki. Ancak fiyat performans açısından değerlendirdiğimde başarılı özellikle bahar mevsimi için uygun bulduğum bir parfüm. Kalıcılığı bir iki saat aralığında olunca hafifletilmiş yaz ya da kış mevsimi için performansı biraz merak ettirdi.
Şimdilik yorumlarım bu kadar; sizlerin de yorumlarınızı bekliyorum. Özellikle bu yaz mevsiminiz nasıl geçti, hazır mısınız sonbahar mevsimine? 

12 Ağustos 2024 Pazartesi


Are you ready to renove your closet? I know that even though you have a lot of clothes, a new dress is always in our hearts, right? Summer is not over yet. Events you will attend, summer parties, invitations that do not end with counting like private balls... In the advanced world of technology, we want to share our dresses instantly on our social media accounts. A beautiful and cool picture; it also looks nice in our social media notebook.

I share the site that I think will help you in choosing the right dress. The address you need to examine with the variety of elbse that I think will make you look unforgettable and perfect with stylish and elegant sequined dresses. In you can find hundreds of options for every taste and body. For every style and style, it is possible to find the dress you are looking for in

You may be a little confused about which dress to choose. Simple, classic, modern no matter which style you have, you can choose sequined  prom dresses on that special day you need to shine.  Sequins prom dresses make you shine more while you bring out your light. 

Nowadays, there are many types of fabrics that are preferred in clothes. These fabrics also have various ornamentation methods.  It is the first straw process that comes to our mind from these ornamentation methods. This material, which is the trend of decorating clothes, is used by processing on clothes. Sequin dresses consisting of small scales and glitters are eye-catching.

When you wear a sequined dress, all eyes will be on you.  Since straws are already bold and eye-catching, you can balance the elements in your comb such as hair and makeup with minimal handles. It is inevitable that you will turn into the star of the events you join with your sequined dresses, which have been thought over and have achieved the right harmony. 

If you want to have a bold, assertive, style that does not hesitate to reveal your style, sequined dresses are for you. A star sleeps in everyone's soul. Wake up that star...

11 Ağustos 2024 Pazar


The unforgettable invitations you attend in your life make your preferred dresses special on that day; right? You should sign your signature on that special day when elegance and style are at the forefront.  The dress chosen for this special night should resemble a fairy tale and make the wearing person the star of the night. 

In this article, I will share with you Daisda  which I think will help you choose your dream dress. With Daisda's original designs and high-quality fabrics, it makes every girl's dream dress a reality. It also combines feminine lines and modern details, gaining the appreciation of fashion lovers. 

Especially the mermaid prom dresses collection, which they prepared for graduation balls, weddings, engagement invitations, has become a favorite of young girls looking for a sophisticated and elegant posture.

The Mermaid dress style is known for its cutting that highlights an elegant and feminine silhouette, sits on the body and opens after the knees. This style of dress perfectly emphasizes body contours, offering an impressive look like a mermaid. The Mermaid Prom Dresses collection from Daisda has reinterpreted classic touches with the modernity of the technological age. In the collection, there are many elegant details, from finely processed lace details to glittering stone ornaments.  With different cuts and length options suitable for each body type, it is possible for each women to find a dress that suits her style. 

However, the most important point to consider when choosing a mermaid dress is to choose a cut that is suitable for your body type. Since such dresses tightly wrap the body, it is very important to choose the right body in order to be able to move comfortably.
Also, when choosing the color of the dress, opting for tones that are compatible with your skin color will both make you shine through the night and make you look great in photos. The wide color range of the Daisda offers many options, from pastel shades to vibrant colors.

You are the star; you can reflect your style signature on your dresses. It is of course possible to feel beautiful and unforgettable in important moments in your life...

9 Ağustos 2024 Cuma



Summer is approaching but the wedding season continues, especially August and September is ideal for the wedding season. But planning a wedding is as complicated as it is exciting. For couples who want every detail to be perfect, this process starts with reaching the right resources.

 At this point, comes into play. is the perfect technology site and guide for couples who dream of a unique and unforgettable wedding, waiting for you to facilitate your wedding preparations and make your dream wedding a reality. 

Wedding planning is a very stressful process.The most important element you need for that wedding in your dream is the choice of wedding dress and it is difficult to decide the right wedding dress.Plan your wedding in a minimalist style or flashy style, you can, is ready to inspire you with the latest trends and creative ideas.
If you want to be inspired when planning your wedding, you should definitely check out the weddings section offered by I chose beautiful wedding dresses from each other. I think you'll like it. 

Your wedding day is one of the most special days of your life and what will make you feel most beautiful on this special day is your wedding dress. Every bride dreams of wearing a wedding dress that will be remembered for a lifetime, reflecting her own style and personality. Before starting the wedding dress selection, I recommend you to study different models and styles . Review different wedding dress patterns such as princess cut, A cut, fish cut, flat cut and decide which one suits your style .

You are the star of your wedding. You can choose designs that you can relax and look great in. May the fashion fit your style, you are the star...

I'll waiting for your comment... 

8 Ağustos 2024 Perşembe

Complete Your Style with Okdais!

As new trends and technology innovations affect us every season in the fashion world, it becomes more difficult to choose the parts we want to add to our wardrobe. At this point, Okdais, the online shopping site with you, comes up with collections that will increase the style of every woman.

Okdais offers a great platform that combines elegance and nice , making women feel special. Designed with modern cuttings, high quality fabrics and eye-catching details, the dresses are ideal for all kinds of activities and everyday use. I must say that thanks to the variety that Okdais offer, it is now very easy to find a dress that suits your style. 

Have you checked out this season's best-selling dresses? what makes these dresses, which are on the interest of all fashion lovers, so special? Here is one of the highlight features of the Hot Selling Dresses collection; stunning patterns and colors are included. The dresses in the collection stand out with vibrant colors and modern patterns. Another feature is different cuts and silhouettes. 

Okdais dresses are designed in a variety of cuts and silhouettes to suit different body types. You can choose from fit-and-flare models that emphasize your waist, long and elegant maxi dresses or comfortable cut midi dresses.

Combined with that assertive style of bright colors and simplicity, you can feel like walking on a red carpet. 

Among the ambitious colors of the season, you have been metal colors. You can complete your style with dress designs that make your waist silhouette and curves look great. I await your comments...

6 Ağustos 2024 Salı

Sequin Prom Dresses for Your Budget at


Prom days takes the first place in the list of unforgettable memories in our lives. It is special and we dream of a perfect dress to make that night unforgettable. Dazzling on this special night, it is the right of every young girl to feel like a princess or a movie star. Although there are so many variations of prom dresses for prom day today, we can remain undecided about which dress to choose. 

Technology will be our greatest help in this regard. We can do our shopping online as we like. In your prom day, you can choose the model and design you want, but for those who want sequin prom dresses models are indispensable. offers a great option to those who are in search of sequin prom dresses with its wide range of products and affordable prices.

Why Should You Prefer Before You Start Shopping? Because with its wide product range, it is possible to find prom day dresses suitable for every taste and style with different color, model and size options. In addition, good quality prom day dresses with affordable prices allow you to have the prom day dress you want without forcing your budget. In addition, you can easily return or exchange products purchased from

On this special day, sequin prom dresses attract attention with their glowing structures. In a special event like prom night, sequin prom dresses are a great choice for those who want to attract the attention of everyone and become the star of the stage. These dresses, which shine with the reflection of the lights in your every movement, make you feel like a red carpet star.

Sequin dresses offer a variety of color and pattern options. Among the many color options such as gold, silver, red, blue, you can choose the one that best suits your style. In addition to being flashy, these dresses are also elegant. With a great design, it highlights your body lines in the best way and adds elegance to your elegance. By choosing between thin hanging, strapless or long sleeve models, you can find the dress that best suits your own style.

I hope you like the designs I have chosen for you. I'll waiting for your comments...

5 Ağustos 2024 Pazartesi


Hi fashion enthusiasts! In this article, I will present you with the trend of mermaid prom dresses , which will make you feel like princesses in your prom nights, and the options I think you will like from the Oknass site, which is a great site where you can find these special dresses.

Technology is the most constant part of our lives today. We are always looking at social media platforms or online sites of brands to evaluate our options before going shopping, right? Oknass a site that I think will help you with various dress options and models. I chose mermaid prom dresses for you from this site in this article. If you are looking for mermaid prom dress, Oknass may be the right address for you. Oknass is a fashion brand known for its high quality and stylish dresses. This brand offers a wide range of products that cater to every taste and budget. At Oknass, you can find many mermaid prom dresses, each carefully designed and made from high-quality materials.

Mermaid prom dresses best reflect elegance and femininity with their designs that fit on the body and expand from below the knee. These dresses are perfect for providing a sophisticated and attractive look. They attract attention with their cuts that make the body lines stand out and usually their detailed processing. Mermaid prom dresses are an ideal option for prom nights, graduation ceremonies and special invitations.
You can choose satin mermaid prom dress. With a more minimal design, plain and simple satin fabric, this dress offers a timeless elegance. It reflects the elegance of simplicity with its body-fitting cut.

If you want to prefer rose-dry color mermaid prom dress. I must say that I love this design. With fine embroidery, ingenious details and deep leg neckline, you can feel like a movie star. You can get the perfect hourglass form look with the dress design that fits the waist fully.

The last design I have chosen for you is this design with a timeless color that should definitely take place in your wardrobe. Black is undoubtedly a color that has stamped every period. Prom day can be a great choice, as well as a design that you can wear in elegant invitations after the prom.