
6 Aralık 2022 Salı



The end of the year is numbered days. 
It was like a process of reintegration into the world after the pandemic of 2022. It's been a year since we rejoined the crowds and rejoined the fancy dinners we've probably postponed, or the special day events, like the wedding, engagement ceremony. Even though those great clothes we could wear on special occasions were forgotten in our wardrobe, there were always dresses that made me think of a place to shop, weren't there? Hopefully we'll be able to open another, clean and wonderful page in 2023. 
We'll be attending chic events with beautiful, stylized dresses that reflect our soul. Perhaps whatever color you're thinking of, what model, I'll present you with my favorite dresses I picked on the Ever Pretty UK online site, which is great and has a wide variety of dress models. I hope it helps you like it.

I have to say, I love the energy
 that green gives you. The green color represents a sense of trust and a sense of peace, as well as hope. 
This month, when we are so close to a new year, this dress, which represents hope, youth and revival, could also be your favorite. 
In addition to a deep V-neck design, the
 long-fluffy sleeve detail added a very different aura to the dress. Not only is it a sparkly nightgown, it also has a sleek look. In a winter prom, the eyes will be on you already.

You might want to project
 that peaceful 
aura of soft colors into your style. This dress I have chosen for you, the elegant flush dress, will summon you to spring season. You'll certainly make the flowers in the concept jealous with this
 dress at your favorite friend's prairie wedding.
 I have to say, you'll look great with lace details, short oversized sleeves and a silhouette that extends to the floor. 

There could be more than one special day every year. When that day comes, you can wait in front of your closet for hours without hesive. Instead of waiting with the indecision, we can spend more time on ourselves to be eye-catching that night.
 The dress I've chosen for you in the
 Ever Pretty Evening Dresses will be a symbol of your timeless and wonderful fashion sense.
 I can tell you that the gorgeous v-neck sleeveless nightgown has never gone out of style. 
A silhouette that stretches to the ground 
and a deep rip-off cleavage, you can express your classic, timeless style at any events.

When we think of New Year's, the first thing that comes to our mind is the wonderful lights and hopeful colors, right? This dress I chose for you; almost like the energetic symbol of the new year spirit.With the lace waist and open-loaf back that fit perfectly in your body, you don't have to think about what I was going to wear that day. 
You can wear these sequin dresses for 
new year parties as well as for your engagement ceremony.

With this velvet dress I've chosen for you, your body lines will be perfectly visible. 
Velvet is suitable for both stylish and casual use. With its soft texture, it's comfortable and quality, it will be indispensable in the winter season. This dark blue velvet nightgown features a
 long-sleeve V-neck design and a split-neck cleat for a stylish, romantic look.

If you want to examine 
these clothes I've chosen for you, you can click on them.These are some of my favorites in the
 pictures in the post. I hope you like my choice. Browsing the site you will find many 
other different style and models dresses; for all tastes and style. 

30 yorum:

  1. Second dress is my favorite 😊

  2. Kolor bordowy i szafirowy jest mój.

  3. Konuyla alakam yok ama buralardaydım :)
    Çayımı yudumlayıp reklamlara bir kaç tık attım :D

  4. I definitely hope that 2023 will be a wonderful year. That green dress is stunning and so perfect for this season!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  5. Vestidos de festas maravilhosos e lindos!

  6. Os vestidos são muito bonitos. O Ano passou rápido!! :))
    Gosto da minha solidão ...
    Votos de uma boa noite

  7. Oh very cute dresses darling

  8. i prefer the green one! sooo nice!

  9. What a beautiful way to look at -- and dress for! -- the world as it emerges from the pandemic. 👗💖

  10. My favourite is the 4th dress, beige colour.

  11. oooo new year's eve celebration dress :)

  12. So elegant and lovely dresses
    Mi fav is the last
    Thanks for sharing ♥

  13. Hello!! The dresses look beautiful, thanks for sharing.


  14. They are all beautiful!!

    Bom dia ❤

  15. ¡¡Hola!! Me han gustado todos los diseños, son muy bonitos y elegantes. Besitos.

  16. Let's hope so, that parties and dresses return. :) I liked the one with sequins, shiny and light. Hugs

  17. Gostei de quase todos os vestidos. Faz muito tempo que não uso esses estilos. Já usei e adorava. Me sentia rainha. Beijo.

  18. Very beautiful dresses. I love all of them.


  19. ¡Hola preciosa!
    Muy lindos vestidos.

    ❀ Fantasy Violet ❀
    Besotes! 💋💋

  20. Propostas interessantes que deixarão nas mulheres a indecisão sobre a melhor escolha.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

  21. These are all very pretty.
    The green one is my favourite.

  22. Elbiseler çok şık gerçekten. Benim favorim 3. oldu :))

  23. Quantas sugestões lindas! Fiquei especialmente encantada com os três primeiros vestidos!
