
28 Mart 2023 Salı


Have a great day, 
week after month with all of us. I woke up very energized today. The beauty of Ramadan, I think. I began to feel the beauty of spring, hoping that the bad days were behind me. Today I will present you a wonderful brand and product. One of the reasons why I call it a great brand is that I live in one of the 11 cities affected by the earthquake in our country and I thank you and this brand for your prayers and beautiful comments at such times. They asked about my situation and my family and sent their kind and thoughtful attitude and good wishes. They were in contact.
 When we returned home, I opened the package with excitement. 
The SoundPEATS Air3 Deluxe HS has won my heart with its design feature and ease of use.
Product features;


*Hi-Res Audio Certification
 & LDAC Codec Tech
*14.2mm Driver & Four Microphones
*In-Ear Detection & 20 Hours of Playtime
*Low Latency Game Mode & App Control

SoundPEATS Air3

 I was a little distant from
 the wireless earbuds. I use laptop, phones, and tablets very often. I think another technology tool that I could use that is running out of charge would tire me out. 
Or, let’s say I’m not a person who can easily give up a little of my habits. But I’ve been around for almost 10 days, with 
SoundPeats Air3 Deluxe HS
wireless earbuds everywhere I can get in my bag. I liked the features of the sound being easily adjustable or turned off, the alert being given immediately when connected.
 I can tell you that the charger is also great. 
This product is now on spring sale. If you consider buying, clicking on the images will direct you to the product page.
 You can explore in detail. I also leave the link to the product for those who are thinking about US Amazon shopping.
Any you can shopping for TR Amazon only cost ₺548.72 

 In addition to the spring sale, 

✅ only cost / $35.09 (US Code: NI6VXZF8) between April 3 and 9.

I share with you. 
Definitely don't miss this opportunity.
 In addition, I have also shared an instragram. If you want to see the unboxing and its details, I will wait.

33 yorum:

  1. Looks like a great product, thanks for sharing.

  2. Minha amiga, como está a sua cidade após o terremoto?
    Acredito que seja demorado a recuperação. Por aqui não temos mais notícias. Me diga alguma coisa.

    Não uso fone de ouvido. Acho que tenho umas orelhas onde eles não se encaixam bem.
    Ouço música no rádio ou no Computador.
    Tenho um rádio que deixo na área de serviço onde ficam minhas gatas. Deixo o rádio ligado porque acho que elas gostam de ouvir. Será?
    Beijo, Liliane

    1. Estamos de volta em nossas casas, mas ainda há pequenos terremotos. Prédios danificados estão sendo demolidos, há um problema com uma coluna do nosso prédio, eles vão consertar. mas ainda temos medo. nos apegamos à esperança de viver

  3. I have one of these because it's better for me
    thanks for your post
    Kisses ♥

  4. So glad you are feeling energetic and hopeful. That is wonderful to hear! These sound really fantastic <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

  5. i hope you are doing great! wishing you a happy and graceful ramadhan!!

  6. Proprio carine, grazie per la condivisione

  7. Espero que tudo esteja bem com você e sua família após o terremoto...Excelente indicação de produto, fones de ouvido são práticos para o dia a dia, obrigada!
    Maravilhosa semana!

  8. Gostei da publicação :))
    Sinto um calafrio, uma angustia talvez
    Beijo e uma excelente tarde.

  9. Muchas gracias por la recomendación y muchos ánimos para todos los afectados por el terremoto de Turquía.
    Saludos y abrazos desde España.

  10. happy Ramadhan and wonderful spring.....
    cute product

  11. I like the post.

    Have a nice friday.
    Boa sexta feira, bjs.

  12. Die Kopfhörer sind wirklich toll!
    Liebe Grüße und ein wunderschönes Wochenende,

  13. Yessss! These look amazing. Happy listening! 🎶

  14. Holaa!! very interesting. Thanks for sharing.


  15. Sound like a great product.
    Happy Ramadan!

  16. I'm so happy that you're enjoying spring and that you and your family continue to be safe. Thanks for telling us about this product! 🎵

  17. Seems like a lovely product! Take care.

  18. Sono contenta che tu e la tua famiglia siate al sicuro, un abbraccio

  19. the product looking great and convenient for daily use

  20. Parecem ótimos! Adorei a sugestão!
    Tão bom saber que começa a ficar mais animada, Asli! Eu também acho que a Primavera tem uma palavra a dizer, contribuindo para a melhoria do nosso ânimo...
    Beijinhos! Tudo de bom!
