23 Haziran 2023 Cuma

Which Bridesmaid Dress Should I Prefer


You feel that energetic smiling mood of the summer season; is not it?Maybe you say I'm in a situation where I can't think about how I feel from intensity right now. I understand you, the summer season is actually meaningful in a sense with crowded parties, special events and wedding invitations.I think I would like to be a summer bride. But in this article I will present you bridesmaid dresses.

You may have chosen your wedding dress as a summer bride but not the clothes of your bridesmaid dresses. Or as the made of honor bridesmaid, you may want to give her an idea of the bridesmaid outfit you want to wear. No worries...Technology help us...I chose gorgeus bridesmaid dresses from Ever Pretty UK site for you. I hope it helps you get an idea. 

Which Bridesmaid Dress Should I Prefer

It is actually the most remarkable bridesmaid dresses after wedding dress on that special day. It can be a wedding and a concept that every bride dreams of. While you wants to have a wedding according to the concept, you wishes that the brides will be part of that concept. There is integrity and harmony. The first bridesmaid dress I chose for you is a romantic bridesmaid dress. Why not choose bridesmaid dresses with more soft colors on that special day? Don't the thin straps, color and model of the dress give you the impression at a country wedding?


The second bridesmaid dress I chose for you can be the symbol of your characteristic fashion sense with its elegance and design suitable for a summer night dream concept.


This bridesmaid dress with the wonderful depth of purple may be another favourite. Just like a purple violet,with an elegant and timeless choice.

Decisions and color preference belong to the bride on that special day. You are the main hero of that day. It is your right to feel glamorous and yourself like a princess in a fairy tale. Bridesmaid dresses can usually choose pastel and more matte colors. However, you should also add dusty blue bridemaid dresses this color category.

Dusty blue bridesmaid dresses fit almost any wedding concept. You may also be experiencing another wonderful feeling in your life while accompanying the bride on that special day. Although it affects maternity clothes with a wide variety of fashion and great fashion sense today, Ever Pretty Uk site offers you a stylish, modern and timeless design maternity bridesmaid dress.

You can examine the Ever Pretty UK site, which has very wide and different bridesmaid dress options. I chose models for you that you can get an idea of every request and model. I hope you liked it. I am waiting for your comments..

19 Haziran 2023 Pazartesi

Embrace Fashion Trend with Stylish Activewear for Women

 Activewear has been slowly becoming very popular amongst everyone, especially after the pandemic. For almost a year, give or take, people had to stay at home. And, let’s be honest when we stay at home, we tend to wear the most comfortable clothes we can find on our closets.

And why do we do that? Because, our homes are our safe spaces, where we don’t feel judged by the rest of the world and where we are surrounded by people that love us and accept us. And also, where we don’t really have to wear a uniform or follow a specific dress code made for office environments.

And eventually, activewear has become a fashion staple, for those who want to look for comfort while also looking nice. We keep seeing influencers share their day-to-day looks to be at home and to even run errands, and they are usually wearing yoga sets, loungewear, etc. 

But activewear isn’t only to just wear them during day-to-day life, but obviously, also to workout in them, as they were intended when they were created. It is important that you show your style, even when you are working out. Why? Because feeling and looking good will boost your mood and your self-confidence, and you’ll be able to perform better too…

It is also important that your high waisted leggings, or your activewear in general, are comfortable, so you will perform your workout better or actually any sports. If you are uncomfortable, you are most likely going to focus on fixing yourself every 5 seconds and not on what you are doing. And that will honestly make the process so annoying that you won’t probably want to go back to the gym or will want to work out at all anyways.  

And no matter what you are wearing your activewear pieces, if for the gym or to lounge in them, be sure you are still embracing being fashion forward. And that when you do, do it to show your style to the world. It’s always ok to enjoy and look for comfort. In the end, who really wants to live in constant discomfort?

It’s fine to wear activewear to a lot of places, but it is always important to know where to wear what. Of course, you are not going to go to a wedding wearing activewear, but you can totally wear it to lounge at home or even just to work from home, to go shopping, or even to a little brunch date with your besties. 

And if you wear them to the gym or to practice your favorite sports, make sure you are always looking good and showing your best style and your amazing body while being comfortable.

If you want to find the best and of course, the most comfortable ones, then we recommend looking at the activewear pieces from Cosmolle. A brand where you and your comfort are one of the most important focuses. Yes, they are a brand that is inclusive and promotes body positivity, because for them, everyone is important and they should always look and feel their best, no matter what. 

Also important, is that they are a sustainable technology brand. They are focused on creating products that are durable and long-lasting and that you don’t have to constantly buy. They want to avoid generating waste, especially waste created by fashion… this is why they create products that are made from high-quality materials, but also that are recycled, highlighting their sustainability. This is also a great way for you to save money and take care of your bank account.

13 Haziran 2023 Salı



(Picture from Internet) 

Netflix, filmlerini, dizilerini mevsim farkı olmaksızın heyecanla bekliyoruz öyle değil mi? Aslında izleyip, inceleme yazılarını yarım bıraktığım fazlasıyla dolu bir taslak listem var. Birçoğunu yazmayı istesem de sanırım izleyip bitirdikten sonra o motivasyon kayboluyor. Ama bugün sizlerle XO, Kitty yazımı paylaşmak istiyorum. İzlemeyenler varsa çok fazla spoiler vermeyeceğim, merak etmeyin.

18 Mayıs'ta gösterime giren dizi on bölüm. Daha öncesinde Sevdiğim Tüm Erkeklere serisini izlediyseniz o serideki Laura Jean'in küçük kız kardeşi Kitty dizinin kahramanı. Sevdiğim Tüm Erkeklere serisinde Peter Kavinsky(Noah Centineo) çok tatlı bir karakterdi. XO,Kitty serisinde de öyle sevimli, fedakar ve hassas bir başrol beklerdim. Ama neyse... Kitty ailenin en zeki ve aşk eşleştirmesi konusunda uzman olduğunu her kelimesi ile ifade ediyor. Kitty, vefat etmiş olan annesinin Kore'de okuduğu liseye kabul almıştır. Bu liseye gitmek istemesinin sebebi annesine daha yakın hissetmek ve ondan bir iz bulmaktır. Ayrıca ilk aşkı ve iletişimini kesintisiz devam ettirdikleri Dae'de bu okuldadır. Yeni bir macera için yolculuğa çıkan Kitty; yolculuğun başında MinHo ile karşılaşır. Bu arada Han Chae Young çok sevdiğim bir oyuncu ve izlediğim ilk kore dizisi olan Delightful Girl Choon Hyang dizinin başrolüydü. Bu dizide Min-Ho'nun annesi rolünde görmek beni çok mutlu etti. Uluslararası öğrencilere sahip olan bu Kore'deki lisede ilgi çekici karakterler ve öğretmenler olsa da Kitty'nin ilk aşkı Dae karakteri dizide ilgimi çekmeyen neredeyse tek karakterdi. Kore dramalarında farklı bir çekim kalitesi ve ambiyans olur. Kitty, Kore'deki çekim alanları hiç ilgimi çekmedi. Popüler kız Yuri ve onun ailesinin hikayesi, Kitty ile olan bağı ve Minho ile Dae... Bu dizinin ikinci sezon devam etmesinin anahtarı Minho karakterinin olduğunu oldukça belli. Benim için 10 üzerinde 4.5 puan verebileceğim bir dizi oldu ne yazık ki.. Dae karakteri bana yapay Yuri ise zengin ve ilgisiz ek olarak oldukça iş ile meşgul aileye sahip, tercihlerine saygı duyulmayan karakter ama; bir ama var ne yazık ki... Yine de puanımın bir tanesi Yuri'ye çok iyi bir styling yapılmış.

Minho ise derinden işlenebilirse hani başka bir hikaye gelebilir bir karakter. Kitty; sevecen, enerjik ve akıllı bir karakter hatta fazla heyecanlı. Dizinin ikinci sezonu olursa izler miyim? Sanmıyorum. Ama size izleyin; izlettirin diyebileceğim bir kdrama tavsiye bir sonraki yazımda. Yorumlarınızı beklerim.