22 Aralık 2022 Perşembe




    (Picture was taken from the internet)

Are you all excited about the new season? Emily in Paris, one of the most anticipated shows in December, finally met with the audience at season 3. I finished the first season in one day. Fashion ambiance, the beauty of Camille's character, and the Audrey aura of Lily Colins, and of course, the sexy chef Gabriel... That wasn't bad for the second season, with the American Emily's attempt to adapt to Paris, evolved to release herself into the spirit of Paris.

My expectations for season three were getting pretty high. But I have to watch the first two episodes and watch it for the third part, and I have to say you're not excited. I didn't like it except Mindy's reaction after she cut a coffee in her hair, which is particularly obvious to be a wig, which started as a symbol of the confusion of Emily's mind. There are many scenes that can indicate the state of mind of a person who is experiencing confusion, instability. Anyway... I like Emily's office moments more, sophicasted and technology, which are a bit of a mind-set, including listening to her heart's heart, which makes smart decisions, but has some very creative and great ideas about work. Where the hell are the French who left the savoir creating a separate office and a business brand for themselves? I hope they focus more on that office in the other departments. I also think that the separation of American business management and French business management has been a little overemphasized. A long-hours lunch and a free-for-all office says we brighten our creation further away from the business of the modern world. The savoir means "know" in Turkish, and I must say I like it. He says we're a brand that knows product promotion and brand number one, so... Based on my first two episodes of observation, I would say that Cami is still unhappy with her relationship with Gabriel, complaining about eating alone, knowing that while Emily is being naive and well-intentioned to protect her company with Cami, there is still a certain attraction to Gabriel. Personally, I would say that such indecision is an injustice to another human being.

Emily, you're already boyfriend and handsome and kind Alfie, and he's the one you need to focus on. But I think it's already felt like this is going in a very different direction. I love Mindy and her boyfriend. Mindy's wearing some great design clothes, and in these clothes, you're like, "Yeah, that's a reflection of you and your character."And also Cami's style was my favorite for two seasons. But they've got a new look on the pretty girl's hair. I miss the shade of yellow and the color of old hair.

I told you that the third season was Emily's mess. Emily, who could not tell Madeline the decision to leave the savoir, is fired by Slyvie by Madeline finding out about this and Madeline gives birth. Moving to Paris for a year for the job of your dream, Emily Cooper will realize that while staying in Paris is the first romantic decision of her life, there will be consequences for not choosing. The city of fashion, beautiful places, Paris is actually the leading role in this series...

I would say the thrill of the first season, the chaos of the second season, and the third season started a little unexciting, so how are the other episodes?

If you've seen it or are considering it, I'll wait for your comments

58 yorum:

  1. ¡Holaa! No he visto la serie.

    ❀ Fantasy Violet ❀
    Besotes! 💋💋

    1. Teşekkür ederim yorumunuz için Violeta :)

  2. Wow, season 3 already, huh? it seems that this series is really a hit. I will try to find especially those with a (English) subtitle,😀

  3. Te deseo unas felices fiestas navideñas y todo lo mejor para el Año Nuevo. Feliz Navidad!!!!

  4. Ben de bir günde izledim. Beklentiyi karşılama olayı tartışılır ama kendini izlettiği bir gerçek :))

  5. Bu dizi içimi aciyie resmen ☺️ özellikle Camilia'nın vazgecmeyisi ve kıyafetlerin renkleri, ortam hoşuma gidiyor. Daha 3.sezon 1, bölümü izledim.

    1. Sezonun bölümlerini bitirdim sonu ucu açık ve merak uyandırıcı sanırım dördüncü sezonu bekleyeceğim:)

  6. bu sezon izleme sıramda daha benim dee :)

  7. Interesting series.
    Happy Holidays.

  8. Desejo que todos tenhamos saúde e paz. Que nunca nos falte a alegria de viver, o bom senso, a humildade, a solidariedade, a compreensão e a união, etc..
    É outra vez Natal ...
    Um beijo/abraço fraterno a quem de direito. Sejam muito felizes hoje e sempre. Um 2023 cheio de positividade.

  9. Bu sezon sıkıcı başlasa da diğer bölümleri merak ediyorum

  10. Thanks for sharing.
    I wish you and all your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Best wishes

  11. It is a series that I did not like!
    Have a Merry Christmas to you and all who love you

  12. I'm waiting for the holidays to finally have some time and I'll watch it immediately.

  13. I do enjoy this show a lot. I'm waiting to watch the new episodes until after Christmas. Loved hearing your thoughts on the show!

    the creation of beauty is art.  

  14. Purtroppo non seguo questa serie TV, però sembra interessante

  15. Happy reading and Happy holidays.

  16. I didn' know it, thanks for sharing an Merry Christmas

    1. Thanks for your comment, happy new year already:)

  17. your review leads to conclusion the series are interesting with intriques..... great series.

  18. ¡¡Hola!! Sé que es una serie muy conocida pero no he visto ninguna temporada. Saludos.



  20. wonderful series.... wish to watch it

  21. Thank you so much Camdandusler!! I'm so happy that you liked my new ins :) I also love Emily in Paris and can't wait to start watching the new episodes! hehe. Have a very Merry Christmas!! :) Kss

    ♥ ★ ♥ GINGER COLLAGE ♥ ★ ♥

  22. Emily kararsızlığı , Paris atmosferi, moda, güzel kafeler derken sezonlar bir şekilde izleniyor ama sanırım ilk sezonun yeri çok ayrı 😊

    1. Bende size katılıyorum, ilk sezon yeri çok ayrı...

  23. I have not seen the show. It looks interesting from your post. Maybe the third season will become more exciting. =) I wish you a happy new year!

  24. The city of fashion, beautiful places. https://zoroearrings.com/

  25. Your review is so honest! It is so good that I can know different characters deeply in the 3rd!


  26. Haftasonu sezonu bitirmeyi düşünüyorum, Gabriel ile Emily kimyasını seviyorum sanırım

  27. mindy is my favorite character …

  28. I loved the first 2 seasons of Emily in Paris, but it is taking me longer to get through season 3 (I've only seen the first 3 episodes). This season is a mess with Savior and the French team led by Sylvie separating, Emily and Alfie's rocky relationship, Cami and Gabriel's relationship, etc. Hopefully the season will pick up!

  29. Ainda não vi esta série sobre a qual tenho imensa curiosidade! Adorei a sua sugestão, Asli, e as suas impressões sobre as diferentes temporadas da mesma...
    Um beijinho!

  30. Your perspective made me rethink this issue, it’s so inspiring!
