28 Şubat 2025 Cuma

OpenRock X Open-Ear Air Conduction Sport Earbuds


The shortest month of the year is almost over; a new month is a harbinger of a new season. I believe that the spring season will be good for the whole world. In this article, I will share a earbuds belonging to the Openrock X brand, which is a very eye-catching innovation with its different desing and quality for me.
I love the innovation updates of technology products in terms of features and design. With its plus features in terms of usage and liking, Openrock X stylish design as well as being in ear form offers comfort to the user.

Openrock X open-ear conduction sport earbuds; it has a biaxial design that adapts with your ears and activities with uninterrupted adjustment by bringing user comfort to the forefront. You can perform sports activities with comfort. In this design, which also considers ear hygiene; special liquid silicone and antibacterial coatings were used to protect ear health.

When performing your sports activities, you do not need to worry about effects such as sweating with IPX5 water-resistant protection. You can also use it comfortably with a charging box for 12 hours, with a total battery life of 48 hours, without the stress of continuous charging. 

You can open the box with the push feature in the lower section and wear it to your backpack, bag or use it comfortably in your hand with the ring on the other end of the box.
One great feature that I cannot go through without mentioning is; An AI algorithm with four beam-forming microphones and noise reduction technology can perform wonderfully clear searches even in crowded environments.

The earbuds has three colors. In addition to the beauty of the white color, the nobility of the black color and the wonderful energy of the orange color, these earbuds come to you; 

1* OpenRock Earbuds
1*Charging case
1*Charging Cable
1*User Manuel

I shared unboxing reel on my instagram address. I recommend that everyone reading this article review it for you also; I leave the amazon link. When you click on the pictures, you can examine the product in detail on its site. I wait for your comments...

22 Şubat 2025 Cumartesi


Ramazan geliyor... Sizlerle aklımdaki tarifleri paylaşmak istiyorum. Özellikle tok tutacağına inandığım ve severek yaptığım tarifler. Klasik Adana yemeklerine de belki yer veririm bloğumda. Dışarıda yemek yemenin inanılmaz pahalı olduğu şu günlerde en azından kendi yaptığım içerisinde ne olduğundan emin olduğum tarifleri sizlerle paylaşmak beni de mutlu edecek. 

Öncelikle ekmek seven birisiyim. Biliyorum beyaz ekmek fazla tüketmek zararlı ben de ekşi mayalı tam buğday unundan yapılmış ekmekler, köy ekmekleri ki oldukça heybetli görünümleri bir yana lezzetli de. Ama yufka ekmeği sevdiğim ekmek listesinde değil; bu yörede bazlama, sıkma oldukça meşhurdur eğer çok ince değilse ne yazık ki yiyemiyorum. Bu yazımda da sizlerle Ciabatta ekmeği tarifi paylaşacağım. Görsel anlamda harika fotoğraflar çekmek istesem de geceden yapıp kahvaltıya yetiştirmek için aceleyle böyle oldu. 

Youtube da Gennaro Contaldo videolarına rastladınız mı bilmiyorum ama benim çok sevdiğim bir şef. Pandemi sürecinde onun foccacio ve pizza tariflerini hep yaptım ve her seferinde de harika oldu. Kesinlikle izlemenizi tavsiye ederim. Dünyada yemek kültürü anlamında İtalyan mutfağı ile paralelliklerimizin olduğunu görmek de ayrıca mutlu ediyor. Özellikle Akdeniz mutfağı esintileri hem sağlıklı hem de görsel anlamda mutlu da ediyor. Böyle olunca başka tarifleri de incelemeye başladım. Ciabatta ekmeği de doyuruculuk anlamında geçen Ramazan'da o birkaç dilimi dahi yeterli olunca sizlerle de paylaşmak istedim. İçerisinde; un, su, maya, tuz ve zeytinyağ var yalnızca. 

2.5 su bardağı un

1.25 su bardağı su 

1 paket toz maya


Malzemeler bu kadarcık olsa da mayayı aktif edeceğiz su kesinlikle ılık olmalı. Mayayı karıştırırken havalandırarak karıştırmanızı tavsiye ederim. Bu ekmek öncelikle ayrı bir alanda aktive olurken un ve tuzu karıştırın. Tuz miktarı sizin damak tadınıza göre. ben 1 tatlı kaşığının yarısı kadar kullanıyorum. Maya ile aktive olmuş suya un ve tuz karışımını ekleyin. Genellikle Türkiye'deki tariflerde suyun içerisine maya ekleniyor ama ben unlu karışıma gezdiriyorum. Karıştırmaya başladıktan sonra hamur yapışkan olacak. Bu bir püf noktadır; karışımı zeytinyağ ile yağladığınız bir saklama kabı ya da hamur yoğurma kabına ekleyin. Bir saat aralıklarla havalandırma işlemi yapacaksınız. zeytinyağ ve su karışımını bir kaseye alın. Havalandırma yani hamuru yoğurmadan katlama için elinizi zeytinyağlı suya batırıp katlamayı gerçekleştirin. Üçüncü katlama sonrası istediğiniz ölçüde kesebilir fırın tepsinize alabilirsiniz. 

Sizlerle paylaştığım tarifte 2 orta ekmek çıkmaktadır. Kare şeklinde daha küçük ya da bir baget şekli gibi uzun da yapabilirsiniz. Fırın kağıdı olan tepsinizin tabanına mısır unu ekledikten sonra hamuru aktarabilirsiniz. Eliniz zeytinyağlı suya batırarak şeklini düzeltebilirsiniz. Hamurların üzerine fırına vermeden önce un serpiştireceksiniz. Sonrası ise fırın performansına göre 30 ile 45 dakika arasında ekmekleriniz hazır. Ekmekleriniz fırından çıktıktan sonra o sıcağı ile ekmeklerin üzerinde zeytinyağ gezdirebilirsiniz. Çok fazla olmamak şartıyla sprey gibi sıktığınızı düşünebilirsiniz. Ekmekleriniz bekledikten sonra bu şekilde kesebilirsiniz. İçi gördüğünüz üzere balon gibi küçük küçük delikler bulunmakta. 

Bu ekmekleri kekik ve zeytin ile de yapabilirsiniz. Kekikli gerçekten harika oluyor. Ben zeytinyağın içerisine çekmesini içinin yumuşak olmasını sevdiğim için ekliyorum tercihe göre eklemeyebilirsiniz.

Şimdiden hayırlı Ramazanlar olsun. Ramazanın bereketi evlerimizi sarsın. 

21 Şubat 2025 Cuma


We are in a big drama. Each chapter brings with it other events for the next. When I look back in the photos where I have good memories; I realize the opening of a new chapter...I have to say that I am looking forward to the summer season with excitement. These winter routines leave their place in the summer to happiness. While the cold spirit of winter tells us to spend time in our homes, the weather wants us to spend time outside in the summer. Is your wardrobe ready with new clothes that are colorful and carry breezes of every part of life?

Shopping habits have changed these days, right? In the world of technology, it is now easy to shop in our homes. With thousands of models and design variations, it's hard to decide but I think it's fun. I think you can start now so we can find the perfect dress. Today in this article I will share with you the dresses I have chosen for you from the Ovlias.com. On the site of Ovlias.com, which has a lot of product types for your dresses with a new chapter in your life, you can get one step closer to your dream dress with prom dresses.

You can combine trendy styles with your own style and create a gorgeous look on your special day. Prom days are one of the most exciting and unforgettable moments in our lives. You can throw your signature on this day, which represents the move to a new section. You may feel cool, trendy, sexy, or like a princess. You can examine in detail the prom dresses I chose for you. I hope you like my choices...

For a spring prom day that you want to be mysterious and cool, black is a classic that is far above being classic. In addition to providing a different and modern look, I think that the detail of the lace is great to romanticize.If you like vintage models, there are great details for this prom dress. The leg decollete of the dress is both stylish and quite different. 

I think the color of the fuchsia is a very special color. This prom day dress, which has a naive look and transform into a practical dress with noble details, is quite fashionable with leg opening and this detail in the arms. While revealing your waist curve, the flyers in the arms gave the dress another aura. 

The queens prefer the purple color! With this dress you can feel like a famous star and be in your desired sparkle dress on that special day. It is quite nice that the very elegant design and sparkle details are at the top of the dress. The fine details in this prom dress are incredibly eye-catching.  When you look in the mirror, you can feel much more beautiful than a queen or a famous star. You can be ready for that day with stylish high-heeled shoes or wavy hair...

If you want to examine it in detail, you can click on the pictures and examine the dresses directly on the site.

20 Şubat 2025 Perşembe


Are you ready to become a spring bride? Although we have not yet completed the winter days, there is little left for spring to knock on our door. What kind of wedding dress would you like for your dream wedding day? A wedding is an unforgettable day in every woman's life. For the bride candidates who want to look perfect with your dream wedding dress complete with trendy details on this unforgettable day, Ovlias offers you a delightful option for timeless designs and modern touches.

With its impeccable details that provide a noble appearance and designs that follow current trends, Ovlias helps you to realize the wedding of the brides' dreams.

With Ovlias, you can realize the wedding theme of your dreams with the help of technology. We might want to look flawless with a polarid machine or an old digital camera. 

This is of course your right and you can both capture a timeless elegance and dazzle with your style. On this special day, the groom and the bride must feel special as two main heroes. You are the protagonists of your wedding story and you should shine in the most beautiful way on this special day.

For the wedding in your dreams; although the preparations are exciting, it should be remembered that it is an expensive process. Every bride candidate should consider his or her budget and year trends while wanting to realize his or her dream wedding.  Ovlias combines elegance with an affordable price and brings you fashionable wedding dresses designs. If you check Ovlias wedding dress designs; you can also learn about 2025 wedding dress trends. 2025 wedding dress trends; you can see the blended details of classic and modernism in wedding dress designs.

In the wedding dress trends of 2025, corset line trunks, that is, an elegant appearance and waist region are featured while providing forms that form a feminine silhouette. With this train, you can examine the designs in detail for a stylish and feminine look. In addition, vintage details that emphasize specially designed, local themes, pearls and lace details appeal to brides looking for a nostalgic elegance.  I think it's my favorite trend and one that won't go out of fashion for me.

I have shared these 2025 trends wedding dresses that I think you will like. I hope they can be great models for the wedding theme of your dreams. With these wedding dresses, you can both capture a timeless elegance on your own wedding day and reflect your style with modern details. Don't forget; You are the star of that day. 

17 Şubat 2025 Pazartesi


Yazmayı özlediğimi fark ettim. Kendim hakkında belki de yaşanılan duygusal değişimler hakkında yazdığında insan başka bir hale evriliyor. Biraz rahatlama biraz da yalnız olmama hissi... Bende yaşadım; ama geçiyor gibi. Geçtiğimiz ay oldukça ağır geçen Influenza; geçmeyen grip ya da çok şükür geçirdim ama. Uykusuzluk, stres, öğün atlama bağışıklık sistemini zayıflatan en önemli etkenler ki bende oldukça halsizdim. Kötü bir mide bulantısı sonrası bayıldım; masaya doğru yürüyüp sandalyeye oturduğumu hatırlıyorum ve ne yazık ki sonrası yok. Kendime geldiğimde sesler ile birlikte başım düşmemesi için tutuluyordu. Konuşmalar ve ambulans çağrıldı. Ambulans geldiğinde sol elim kasılmış gibi açamıyordum. Kalp atışlarımın düzensiz olduğu tansiyonum da 9'a 5 olduğu söylendi. Israrla da bana bağırılıyordu ki burnundan nefes al ağzından ver gibi; kalp atışlarımın düzene girmesi için. Sağlık personellerinin elbette ki işleri çok zor ve kesinlikle saygı duyulması gerekiyor ama aradan bir ay geçince daha net hatırlıyor insan gözümü açamazken; ambulansta konuştukları konunun tuhaflığını. Alışveriş yapmaktan ve stokta seçtiği yüzüğün olup olmamasından konuşuluyordu. Hastaneye geldiğimde ise hasta sedyesinin annem tarafından kullanılması gerektiği söylendi ki kendime gelmemiş müthiş derecede titriyor ve üşüyordum yalnızca bilincim açıktı. Annem neredeyse 70 yaşında bir insan ve o ağır sedyeyi tahmin edersiniz. Sabahtan ikindi vaktine kadar serum ve sonra eve geliş diyorum ama bir cümlede aslında çok fazla şey var. O gece ben çocukluğumda ateşlenmediğim kadar ateşlendim ve gece boyu annem sirkeli soğuk su ile yatıştırmaya çalışsa da sabaha karşı başka bir devlet hastanesine gittik. CRP; oldukça yükselmiş ve kan değerlerim çok düşüktü. O hastanede verilen iki serum ki Allah razı olsun gerçekten kendimi biraz o zaman iyi hissedebildim. Eve geldiğimde hala halsizlikten yürüyemiyorum; bu halsizliğe kulak enfeksiyonu da eklendi ki ilk üç gün sütlaç ve ekmek ile beslendim. Canım hiçbir şey istemiyordu ve mide bulantısı yapıyordu yediklerim de. Antibiyotik kullanımı sonrası düzenli demir ilacı derken ancak şükrediyorum şimdi halime. 

Size de mi öyle geliyor bilmiyorum ama eskiden grip olduğumuzda sonraki aylarda grip olma durumumuz çok az olurdu. Şimdi kesinlikle öyle değil; çevredeki öksüren bir insan havada asılı kalmış bir virüs; mesafeli olunsa dahi bir şekilde buluyor ve iyileşme süreci çok uzuyor. Bu süreçten sonrası sizlere verebileceğim tavsiye;

Stresinizi minimum düzeye indirgemeye çalışın; depremi yaşayan bir şehirde de yaşadığımız için hala uykusuzluk gece zor uykuya dalma gibi problemler yaşayan birisi olarak uyku en önemli unsur. Düzenli bir uyku; ertesi güne geçtiğinizde sizleri de dinç ve enerjik kılıyor. Ayrıca sizi mutsuz kılan insanlardan da uzaklaşın. Yaşadığımız çağ itibariyle samimiyetle sizi dinleyen ve sıkıntınız için içten üzülen insanlar bir kenara; egosal anlamla yarışa giren o yorucu insanlar da sağlığınızı etkiliyor. Üzüldüm; tamam geçti diyebilirsiniz ama sonrasında vücudunuz hayır aslında geçmedi diyebiliyor. 

Benim bir aylık yaşadıklarım böyleydi. Sizlerin de yorumlarınızı bekliyorum. Güzel ve sağlıklı günler sizinle olsun. Mutluluğunuz gülüşünüz ile parlasın.

11 Şubat 2025 Salı


There are many pages in the book of life. It is in your hands to fill these pages with unforgettable memories. The most special of these pages is one of the unforgettable moments in our lives at prom nights. Another life after high school and college after university... When we open that page in our albums, we choose the right dress for that special night, which will have a great smile on our face, it embellishes the dream of every girl. 


With the help of technology in our helper, we get support from our laptops, our phones before we go shopping, right? Online shopping has been our biggest help in this regard. In this article, I will share the dress designs I think will help you decide on the Hidais.com site. You can find the prom dress you are looking for with Hidais.com with its wide range of products for every fashion taste. 


Although fashion concepts vary, the sequins that show themselves in different designs in each period are very suitable for prom dresses.Sequins prom dresses impress people with their bright and eye-catching appearance. Thanks to the sequins on these dresses, shining in the light makes you the star of the night. Sequins prom dresses models appeal to every taste with different colors and designs. Long and short models suitable for each body type, deep predators, strapless and V collar options.

Hidais.com offers distinctive and exclusive designs in its collection of different design dresses, sequins prom dresses. You can check out the models I have chosen for you. 


That noble shade of red color and the sequins in that naive shade of other colors gave the prom dress a very different ambiance. In addition to this unruly and ambitious red, you can create a great combination of fashion-loving style and choose a very different design on your prom night. The latest prom dresses I have chosen for you are a trendy design with great details in its color, design. In that special night you can feel like a character from the fairy tale.

10 Şubat 2025 Pazartesi


It is our beautiful moments that make life unforgettable. In the days when we are nearing the end of the winter season, spring is now very close. Are you ready for the spring prom day? As women, you should read this article if you have not started to research your prom dresses thought to the finest detail. I certainly understand that it is difficult to make decisions in today's technology world, where the variety of different dress designs is so great. Especially when you dream about that dream dress with the ease of online shopping; you need to think about the necessary additions. Prom day is considered one of the most important moments of people's lives. You may want to see your stylish and characteristic style on that most important night.

The ease of online shopping is at the ease of our age.  You no longer have to get tired when you go to stores. I can tell you that on this special night you can examine the Hidais online site, which stands out with its elegant and stylish designs.

 Mermaid prom dresses on prom day is a beautiful style that will accompany you at a very important moment of your life such as graduation. Mermaid prom dresses make an elegant silhouette with a cut. You can complete mermaid prom dresses with details such as hair and makeup that emphasize your body lines and give you a very nice look.

Mermaid prom dresses are designs that cut and fit the body exactly. These designs are presented with different fabric, color and finely thought out details. Velvet, satin fabrics can be designed with various fabric structures such as lace, sequin, satin and offer you alternatives suitable for your personal style. These dresses are offered in a wide range of classic and timeless colors, as well as soft tones, dark, metallic and fragmented fabrics. 

You can be the star of the night with a mermaid prom dress that suits your own style and taste.
On the Hidais online site you can find mermaid dresser that caters to every body type with the right choice of cut and fabric that you can wear safely.
On your graduation night, you may want to share great photos in your social media journal. In the photos that make those moments unforgettable, mermaid prom dresses will give you a great look. It will not be difficult to look photogenic and stylish with these dresses on that day.

With mermaid prom dresses, your perfect look will be complete with the final touches that you can add to an elegant, fashion-loving and trendy look. You can freeze time with your favorite color that reflects your soul in that beautiful moment. You are the star; it is your right to shine more...

8 Şubat 2025 Cumartesi


Think about the most important days in your life.. In high school, university and later periods, telling your memories, prom days take the first place in the list of unforgettable memories in our lives. To make this special and that night unforgettable, we first dream of a perfect dress. Dazzling on this special night, every young girl has the right to feel like a princess or movie star. For the dream prom dress, we can remain undecided about which dress to choose from the variety of dresses. 

In order to decide between this courage, technology will be our greatest help in this regard. We can shop online as we like. In your Prom day, you can choose the model and design you want, but these special occasions are indispensable for those who want sequined wedding dresses. Oknass.com offers a great option for those looking for sequins prom dresses with its wide range of products and affordable prices.

For the design we want before we start shopping, it is possible to find sequins prom dresses for every taste and style with different color, model and size options at Oknass.com with a wide range of products. In addition, quality prom day dresses at affordable prices offer you without straining your budget. You can also easily return or exchange items purchased from Oknass.com.

On this special day, scaly prom dresses will make your aura brighter. At a special event like Prom night, sequined prom dresses are a great choice for anyone who wants to attract attention and be the star of the stage. These dresses, which shine with the reflection of the lights in your every movement, make you feel like a movie star.

Sequin dresses offer a lot of variety in terms of color and pattern options. Among the many color options, such as gold, silver, red, blue, you can choose the one that best suits your style. In addition to being flashy, these dresses are also elegant. With a great design that highlights your body contours, you can provide a stylish and elegant look. By choosing between thin hanging, strapless or long sleeve models, you can find the dress that best suits your own style.

7 Şubat 2025 Cuma



Hi fashion enthusiasts with beautiful hearts who have style! In this article, I will present the trend of prom dresses of wonderful pulsations that will allow you to prepare for the spring season in the days when the winter season is not over, the, and I hope you like the options I think you will like from the Oknass site, which is a great site where you can find these special dresses.

A stylish invitation is seasonal. Time; even though it is the age of technology, we can remain undecided about which dress we choose in the stylish invitations we will participate in. Yes, there are so many options waiting for us, but we always look at social media platforms or brands' online sites to consider our options before we go shopping, right? So Oknass, a site that I think will help you with various dress options and models, offers eye-catching dresses for you. 

In this article I have selected prom dresses for you from this site. If you are looking for prom dresses, Oknass may be the right address for you. Oknass is a fashion brand known for its high quality and stylish dresses. Oknass offers a wide range of products that cater to every taste and budget. At Oknass, many dresses are waiting for you, each of which is carefully designed and made of high-quality materials. 

Prom dresses reflect elegance and femininity in the best way with their designs that fit the body and expand under the knee, reveal your s folds or provide the appearance of a fairy tale princess. These dresses are perfect for providing a sophisticated and attractive look. You can prefer mermaid prom dresses designs that make your body lines stand out or designs that sit on the waist in the form of S line and attract attention with their detailed processing where the skirt section of the dress stretches more comfortably.  

Satin dress designs may be your choice in mermaid prom dresses. Featuring a more minimal design, simple and simple satin fabric, this dress offers a timeless elegance. It reflects the elegance of simplicity with its appropriate cut into the body. 

If you are tired of classic preferences and designs, the last mermaid prom dress I have chosen for you is quite nice. With fine embroidery, ingenious details and deep leg collar, you can feel like a movie star. You can get the perfect hourglass form look with the dress design that fits the waist fully.

The final design I chose for you is this one with a timeless color that should definitely be included in your wardrobe. A color and design prom day in this tone can be a great choice as well as a design that you can wear in elegant invitations after prom.