27 Aralık 2022 Salı


Haven't you started picking out a new year present? I know we've had a rough year, the best and the worst. Corona, we tried to re-adapt to the world after the virus. Some of us may have questioned what their dreams were, and some of us put away their sadness and started writing their happiness. For the sadness to be forgotten, for the happiness to be eternal.

At times like this, I want a memory to remind me of my happiness and joy for that year.So you must make little surprise. Today I will present you with the sweet, colorful labels of the MAKEID Label Maker.I am very pleased that this maker, purchased from the Amazon US site, has been able to arrive from the specified date, protected and wonderfully. It's so close to new year. There are always shipping problems, delays. I'm happy in that respect, and I'm excited to share my views with you.


Inside this adorable little maker box is an instruction manual, label maker and charging cable. I don't know if you like the green color, but it's really cool to have the classic label printouts in color right now.You need to charge the label maker before you use it. You can charge it with a charging cable that is compatible with the adapters of your mobile phones.


You can download the app of the MAKEID label maker while it is charging. Using this app is easy and will connect you to the label machine via bluetooth.There are already images and texts in the app that you might want to use. You can customize these texts.MAKEID label maker; three buttons are available. Long press on the smallest button and the largest button helps you print out the label. The other button on the front side is turned on to replace when the label tape on the inside runs out. I've already done my label tests. 


They're so cute and sweet that you can easily stick them on the front of the laptop lid, to the planners and to your kitchen chandelies. Your design labels are waiting for you. I've left links for you to review in more detail by clicking on the pictures.

 I think a gift like this would make everyone happy, especially for your children. I'm waiting for your comments.

22 Aralık 2022 Perşembe




    (Picture was taken from the internet)

Are you all excited about the new season? Emily in Paris, one of the most anticipated shows in December, finally met with the audience at season 3. I finished the first season in one day. Fashion ambiance, the beauty of Camille's character, and the Audrey aura of Lily Colins, and of course, the sexy chef Gabriel... That wasn't bad for the second season, with the American Emily's attempt to adapt to Paris, evolved to release herself into the spirit of Paris.

My expectations for season three were getting pretty high. But I have to watch the first two episodes and watch it for the third part, and I have to say you're not excited. I didn't like it except Mindy's reaction after she cut a coffee in her hair, which is particularly obvious to be a wig, which started as a symbol of the confusion of Emily's mind. There are many scenes that can indicate the state of mind of a person who is experiencing confusion, instability. Anyway... I like Emily's office moments more, sophicasted and technology, which are a bit of a mind-set, including listening to her heart's heart, which makes smart decisions, but has some very creative and great ideas about work. Where the hell are the French who left the savoir creating a separate office and a business brand for themselves? I hope they focus more on that office in the other departments. I also think that the separation of American business management and French business management has been a little overemphasized. A long-hours lunch and a free-for-all office says we brighten our creation further away from the business of the modern world. The savoir means "know" in Turkish, and I must say I like it. He says we're a brand that knows product promotion and brand number one, so... Based on my first two episodes of observation, I would say that Cami is still unhappy with her relationship with Gabriel, complaining about eating alone, knowing that while Emily is being naive and well-intentioned to protect her company with Cami, there is still a certain attraction to Gabriel. Personally, I would say that such indecision is an injustice to another human being.

Emily, you're already boyfriend and handsome and kind Alfie, and he's the one you need to focus on. But I think it's already felt like this is going in a very different direction. I love Mindy and her boyfriend. Mindy's wearing some great design clothes, and in these clothes, you're like, "Yeah, that's a reflection of you and your character."And also Cami's style was my favorite for two seasons. But they've got a new look on the pretty girl's hair. I miss the shade of yellow and the color of old hair.

I told you that the third season was Emily's mess. Emily, who could not tell Madeline the decision to leave the savoir, is fired by Slyvie by Madeline finding out about this and Madeline gives birth. Moving to Paris for a year for the job of your dream, Emily Cooper will realize that while staying in Paris is the first romantic decision of her life, there will be consequences for not choosing. The city of fashion, beautiful places, Paris is actually the leading role in this series...

I would say the thrill of the first season, the chaos of the second season, and the third season started a little unexciting, so how are the other episodes?

If you've seen it or are considering it, I'll wait for your comments

19 Aralık 2022 Pazartesi



Denebunu kutusu; her ay çıkan ya da yılda en azından birkaç taneden fazla çıkan var mı? Gerçi şimdi ücretli özellik getirdiler. Ben denebunu sitesine popüler olmadan üye olanlardanım. O zamanlar hızlı davrandığında kutu alınabilecekken şimdi neredeyse hiç çıkmıyor. 2022 senesinde ağustos ayında çıkınca çok şaşırmıştım ki o da ekim ayında geldi; ağustos kutusu... Bu kutu içerisinde en çok denemeyi istediğim sonrasında satın almayı da düşündüğüm için get direct vitamin c başlangıç kutusuydu. 

Düzenli kullandığım omega dışında dönem dönem kolajen kullanıyordum ancak c vitamini kullanmamıştım. Bu vitaminin vitaminler yoluyla daha verimli bir şekilde alınabileceğine inanıyorum. Ancak kış mevsiminin etkisini hissettiğimiz bu günlerde bağışıklığımızı güçlendirmek için c vitamini çok önemli ve get direct vitamin c vitamini oldukça ilginç. Kullanımını dilinizin üzerine paketi açıp döküyorsunuz ve ağzınızda eriyor. İlaç içemeyen, haplar büyük olduğu için yutmakta zorlananlar için bence güzel bir yöntem. Ayrıca tadı da kötü değil; portakallı gazoz gibi.  Tanıtım bülteni;

"GetDirect Vitamin C+ içeriğinde D vitamini ve Çinko ile soğuk algınlığı, grip başlangıcında, sırasında görülen semptomların ortadan kaldırılmasına yardımcı olmanın yanı sıra, günlük C, D viramini ve Çinko ihtiyacını karşılayarak metabolik faaliyetlerin sağlıklı gerçekleşmesine olanak tanır"

*Gluten, paraben ve koruyucu alkol içermez.

İçeriği piyasadaki vitaminlere göre nispeten daha temiz olan bu vitamini sevdiğimi belirtmeliyim. Normal zamanlar dışında grip olmaya yakın kullanıldığında etkisini daha verimli bir şekilde olacağına inanıyorum. Ben kullanım sonrası dinamik hissettim. Başlangıç paketi olduğu için içerisinde 10 şase bulunmaktaydı. Günde bir şase kullandım ve 10 günde bitti. Sonrasında fiyat araştırması için internette araştırma yaptığımda normal kutusunda 40 tane olduğunu gördüm. Fiyatı da diğer vitamin markalarına göre uygun sayılabilecek düzeyde...

Bu vitamini kullanan var mı? Yorumlarınızı beklerim...